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Your work matters to the people of Perth and Kinross.

We see your impact, and we’re here to strengthen the voluntary sector so people flourish and communities thrive.

As your local TSI, we provide support to registered charities, community groups and volunteer-involving organisations. We help organisations meet their goals and empower change-makers across the sector, from organisation leaders to aspiring volunteers and more.

We also represent the strategic needs of the sector to advocate for wider change at the local and national level.

Our commitment to the third sector is summarised by our core offer below. Scroll further to find our projects, latest sector news, and an FAQ about our service.


Gathering and representing the voice of the third sector at a strategic level


Enabling collaboration and partnerships in the third sector

Building Capacity

Supporting the third sector with the resources it needs to thrive


Supporting the growth and development of volunteering

Our Projects

Be the Change

This new local platform is changing the way volunteering happens in Perth & Kinross.

Volunteer Strategy

We’re developing the Perth & Kinross Volunteer Strategy for 2024-2027, and we’d love your input.

Service Navigator

Hundreds of local organisations have joined our map to showcase their support and activities.

Latest News

  • CMHWF Year 4: Successful Awards
    CMHWF Year 4 We’re pleased to share this year’s recipient of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, distributed by TSI (Perth & Kinross) on behalf of Scottish Government. Here are the organisations and projects you will see improving mental health and wellbeing across Perth and Kinross in the coming year. There were many strong applications this year, reflecting the breadth of incredible work in our local third sector, and were only able to support… Read more: CMHWF Year 4: Successful Awards
  • Workshop: Developing Your Fundraising Skills
    About The Event Ensuring that services throughout the third sector can secure funding is a vital step towards attaining one of our 4 main goals here at TSI (Perth & Kinross), ‘Building Capacity’. This means supporting the third sector with the resources it needs to thrive. Hosted by The Gannochy Trust, Cranfield Trust & Citrus Consultancy, this workshop received huge praise from attendees last year and hopes to build the skills and confidence of staff,… Read more: Workshop: Developing Your Fundraising Skills
  • Effective Approaches to Community Collaboration
    Webinar – Commissioning with Communities This presentation looks at effective approaches to working with communities in designing services, and leans on the ideas of appreciative inquiry – look first at what is strong, at what people value, at what helps them the most and then build on that. Commissioning with Communities is an online thematic workshop hosted by Social Enterprise Scotland, TSEF and the TSI Network. The recording of the webinar is now available. The… Read more: Effective Approaches to Community Collaboration

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Third Sector Interface?

A Third Sector Interface is a central source of knowledge and support for the third sector.

There are 32 TSIs, one for every local authority in Scotland. Each TSI is responsible for supporting and advocating for local charities, community groups and other third sector organisations.

Every TSI is unique – some function as their own charities, and others are partnerships across multiple organisations. It depends on the needs of the area they serve.

What does PK TSI offer?

We support the third sector by disseminating new and relevant information, proactively building relationships with organisations and addressing structural barriers. We work with cross-sector partners to meet needs and achieve necessary outcomes for the third sector.

As a TSI, we are also responsible for distributing certain funding to organisations in Perth and Kinross on behalf of Scottish Government. Lately, this includes the Whole Families Wellbeing Fund and the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults.

How is PK TSI related to PKAVS?

PK TSI is an independent service within a larger charity, PKAVS. We operate much like the rest of the TSI Scotland Network and set our goals with respect to national outcomes.
Although PKAVS is made up of separate services, we are united by our shared values and commitment to making a positive impact across Perth and Kinross. This approach allows each of our services to work independently in pursuit of common goals.

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