About Us
We are here to champion and support the Perth and Kinross third sector.
TSI (Perth & Kinross) works independently to empower local charities, community groups and voluntary organisations with the knowledge and resources they need to thrive.
We are a central source of knowledge and an advocate for Perth and Kinross’s third sector, identifying and responding to its needs, priorities, and contributions to local and national outcomes.
We bring this understanding to discussions at a strategic level to address the barriers faced by the sector and challenge existing policies and paradigms.
Our Mission
Independently working to ensure the third sector across Perth and Kinross is connected, has a voice and is supported through capacity building and volunteering.
Our Vision
Resilient and empowered communities forming a healthy and equitable society with a thriving third sector at its heart.
Our Values
We show compassion
We’re in this together
We speak from the heart
We make an impact
Our Services
At the Perth and Kinross TSI…
- We listen, advocate and act to support the third sector in Perth and Kinross.
- We build close working relationships with third sector organisations and partners across all sectors to elevate organisations’ mission to support the community.
- We assess gaps within service provision for the community and address barriers within working relationships, services and systems.
- We champion the value of volunteering for both individuals and their communities.
- We attend strategic meetings with partners and organisations we support to gather the collective voice of the third sector and ensure our work supports them towards their goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Third Sector Interface is a central source of knowledge and support for the third sector.
There are 32 TSIs, one for every local authority in Scotland. Each TSI is responsible for supporting and advocating for local charities, community groups and other third sector organisations.
Every TSI is unique – some function as their own charities, and others are partnerships across multiple organisations. It depends on the needs of the area they serve.
We support the third sector by disseminating new and relevant information, proactively building relationships with organisations and addressing structural barriers. We work with cross-sector partners to meet needs and achieve necessary outcomes for the third sector.
As a TSI, we are also responsible for distributing certain funding to organisations in Perth and Kinross on behalf of Scottish Government. Lately, this includes the Whole Families Wellbeing Fund and the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults.
PK TSI is an independent service within a larger charity, PKAVS. We operate much like the rest of the TSI Scotland Network and set our goals with respect to national outcomes.
Although PKAVS is made up of separate services, we are united by our shared values and commitment to making a positive impact across Perth and Kinross. This approach allows each of our services to work independently in pursuit of common goals.
Our Partners
Our partners are organisations and bodies across the public, private, and third sectors that provide services and resources or play a role in decision-making about the third sector.
We build close working relationships with these partners to streamline communication, amplify the voice of the organisations we support, and enact wider change for the sector.